RWO has secured a place on Yorkshire Housing’s engineering panel following a competitive tender, paving the way to possible work on £500 million worth of building work.
Formed in 1999, Yorkshire Housing is a not-for-profit organisation, which manages more than 18,000 affordable and social rent homes across 20 local authorities. The framework is used to support a development programme that includes the delivery of upwards of 1,000 new homes for rent and sale per year across the region.
The work RWO is set to provide under the agreement, which is structured to make it accessible to smaller local contractors as well as large operators, includes site wide earthworks and infrastructure design along with civil and structural engineering services.
Andrew Fairburn, director of RWO’s Leeds office, said: “This is a major coup for us, strengthening our burgeoning partnership with Yorkshire Housing. Although we work across all sectors, we have built a strong reputation in the affordable housing sector, completing projects alongside housing associations, construction firms and public sector organisations.
“We now very much look forward to working with Yorkshire Housing and supporting its ambitious growth and future residential development pla